Jeff’s 3 Favorite Things – April 2018


I just LOVE my iPhone X, and not because I’m a tech guy. I’m astounded by this camera… WOW! I’ve had the best time capturing the most amazing moments using portrait mode, time lapse video and slow motion video. You don’t have to be a pro, it’s just fun to play and to see what you get. There’s a guy who has great videos on how to use features of the camera. I’d highly recommend them. Check them out here. Otherwise, I figure you know where you can buy the phone! 

OK, I’ll admit it. I didn’t know this was a “thing.” I had an apple pie milkshake at Succotash and basically flipped out. It’s everything apple pie à la mode wanted to be and couldn’t, until now. Apparently it’s a well known thing, that I never figured out, again, until now. I just love a great dessert, and this basically tops my list pretty much of all time. Check it out quick as the special milkshake changes monthly. Visit Succotash here, or better yet, go in person and tell Michael and Jason I sent you. 

I know I’m not the first person to do this, but when I started it seemed like I was. Instead of eating off of pedestrian dishes, I’ve decided to use my good china in the kitchen for every day meals. This set makes me happy and I got it at an online auction, for less than what I’d otherwise pay at Pottery Barn. And when they wear out, I’ll probably be ready for a change anyway. To quote Valentino, “I’d rather not eat than eat off an ugly plate.” My sentiments exactly. To find great stuff for no money check out here.
Let me know what you think. The good, the bad, the ugly, the sublime! Send me an email or give me a call anytime at 301-442-8533. 

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